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Video of AMWA

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Water Utility Executive latest issue

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Congressional Report

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The Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies is an organization of the largest publicly owned water utilities in the United States. AMWA is the voice of metropolitan water systems on federal water policy issues, and its programs foster sustainable, innovative utility management.
Monday Morning Briefing
AMWA defends science-based contaminant regulatory process in hearing testimony

August 3, 2023

Democrats and Republicans lay out markers on next COVID-19 package

August 3, 2023

EPA finalizes rule to reduce lead in plumbing materials

August 3, 2023

House easily approves water resource bill

August 3, 2023

Read Current Issue

Policy News

AMWA pursues fix to WIFIA funding rescission

July 29, 2023

In congressional testimony, AMWA defends science-based contaminant regulatory process

July 29, 2023

House approves EPA spending bill with level annual funding, new infusion of emergency cash

July 6, 2023

House Democrats unveil infrastructure proposal with DWSRF reauthorization


Infrastructure bill, WRDA reauthorization on House’s summer agenda

June 2, 2023